Nutritional value of molasses
The rich content of trace elements (iron, copper, calcium, manganese, potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus) and vitamins of the “B” group with a relatively low calorie content of the product has a beneficial effect on the human body:
– contributes to the growth of immunity;
– increases energy potential;
– increases hemoglobin;
– improves blood sugar indicators;
– stabilizes cholesterol level;
– activates the work of brain cells;
– is a good anti-stress prevention;
– works to prevent malignant neoplasms;
– helps healthy digestion;
– hair gains shine and strength.
The fact that black molasses is a source of iron of vegetable origin with very good absorption is considered to be of indisputable value. An important moment for women (menstrual cycle and pregnancy).
A large amount of calcium in the product contributes to the strength and health of our bones and the prevention of osteoporosis.
It must be remembered that with all the usefulness of molasses, it is based on sugar (even mineralized and vitaminized), so the daily preventive and therapeutic intake should not exceed 2 tablespoons.