Treacle for improving the fodder ration in cattle breeding
Molasses has a good effect on increasing the milk production of cows, goats, and sheep – a syrup with a thick consistency, a dark color and a characteristic smell. It is a by-product of cane or beet sugar production.
Molasses or black molasses has a bittersweet taste, dissolves completely in both cold and hot water. Molasses contains, in addition to minerals (iron, copper, calcium, manganese, potassium, magnesium), sugar, water, ash and nitrogenous compounds. It is used for pet food.
The gradual introduction of molasses into the diet improves the digestibility of dry matter and the taste of the diet itself, increases milk yield, and increases the percentage of protein in milk. The gradual introduction into the daily diet allows the microorganisms of the rumen to be optimally included in the work and ensure its normal activity during the day.
When feeding large and small cattle, molasses should not exceed 15% of dry matter. Molasses is quite effective when using rations rich in straw. The latter must be crushed and watered at the rate of 50-100 g of molasses (it is permissible to dilute it with water 1: 1) per 1 kg of straw.